Wednesday 2 May 2012

Codex Alimentarius: An Introduction to Soft Kill Eugenics

The world as we once knew it is gone.  The rosy cheeked children, bursting with energy, that once climbed trees and got up to mischief, are extinct.  The people are still here, but they are pale, lethargic and slowly dying. 
Every bite of food provided to these people is the product of a laboratory – the genetically modified spawn of Big Agri and Big Pharma.  The food looks incredible – huge, radiant tomatoes such a vivid red that one would think the lycopene was virtually emanating from the skin of the fruit.  Inside that appealing package is a food-like substance, utterly raped of nutrients.
The people are unable to go to a health-food store and purchase vitamins or an herbal tonic to put the spring back in their step.  Herbs, vitamins and nutrients in general have been labeled “toxins” and are only available via prescription at high prices and low doses.
If the people are caught hoarding treasured fertile heirloom seeds, and heaven forbid, planting them to grow their own food, punishment is swift and sure.  The bounty is taken and the people starve again.
Amidst the abundance of burgeoning supermarket shelves, the majority of the world’s population is slowly starving to death.

The world according to Codex Alimentarius looks grim indeed.  Codex Alimentarius (Latin for “food code”) is a global set of standards created by the CA Commission, a body established by a branch or the United Nations back in 1963.
The CA Commission’s purported mission, like all Agenda 21 missions, sounds so wonderful that it might have been created by a committee from heaven above. 

The main purposes of this Programme are protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade
Don’t you wonder what could possibly be wrong with that? The UN wants us to be healthy and wants everyone to be paid fairly.  Codex Alimentarius sounds great!  Let’s institute these standards right away!

As with all globally stated agendas, however, CA’s darker purpose is shielded by the feel-good words.
Global committees have been established to regulate the following topics, to name a few.
·        fruits and vegetables
·        fruit and vegetable juices 
·        fats and oils
·        meat, poultry and fish 
·        cereals, pulses (used for food and animal feed) and legumes
·        milk and milk products
·        natural mineral waters
·        sugars
·        cocoa products and chocolate
·        food hygiene
·        food labeling (as a way not to disclose GMO foods and ingredients)
·        pesticide residues;
·        residues of veterinary drugs found in foods 
·        food additives

The unfortunate thing is, the regulations ensure money, not safety. They guarantee profit, not health benefits.
“Codex Alimentarius is a dark marriage between pharmaceutical and chemical industries and the WTO, conceived to exact complete and regimented control over all food products and nutrients worldwide.” ~ writes Chantal Boccaccio of The People’s Voice.
Follow the Money
So if all of these regulations don’t benefit the consumers, who do they benefit?  Dr. Rima Laibow, of Health Freedom USA estimated that for every dollar spent on natural health solutions and supplements, Big Pharma loses $40.  Therefore, if people have the option to chose vitamins over valium, Big Pharma loses billions per year.
The medical establishment benefits.  When people are able to manage chronic conditions and avoid surgery through carefully choosing what they eat or what supplements they take, the medical establishment loses out on those costly visits that people must undertake in order to “manage” their conditions.
Pesticide manufacturers benefit.  GMO foods require greater pesticide use, thus manufacturers of pesticides like Round-up (Monsanto) reap the financial rewards while being allowed to poison the environment.
Food processors benefit.  CA requires food to be irradiated, a low cost (and nutrient-destroying) practice to require lower standards of hygiene and sanitation.
Big Pharma benefits.  CA mandates that nutrients be classified as drugs; therefore the purchase of vitamins will eventually require a prescription.  Prescription drugs, of course, are monitored by the FDA, which means only the Big Pharma companies will be able to manufacture and supply them. 
Maybe, then, the United States should just refuse to take part in CA.  That’s not going to happen, because all members of the World Trade Organization are legally bound under global guidelines, including CA standards.  CA standards override all national laws.  Lack of compliance to these standards may result in fines and/or crippling trade sanctions.  If a country wants to play the global trading game, that country has no option whatsoever but to comply with CA.  Those who do not comply automatically forfeit the judgment in any global trade dispute regarding food or nutrients.
It's Already Here
In 2010, during the distraction of the BP Oil Spill, Barack Obama signed an Executive Order (#13544) to implement CA in the US over the course of the next few years.  More akin to a royal decree than a constitutionally acceptable legislation, Obama proved his arrogance once again: he does NOT require the approval of Congress to make sweeping legislations.
In the United States, the FDA is in charge of implementing the standards.  Over the next two years, with the Food Safety Modernization Act, they will be doing just that.  According to a Natural News article by Dr. Gregory D’Amato, these irrevocable standards are on their way of being implemented to allow the US to “harmonize” with Codex.
* All nutrients (vitamins and minerals) are to be considered toxins/poisons and are to be removed from all food because Codex prohibits the use of nutrients to "prevent, treat or cure any condition or disease"
* All food (including organic) is to be irradiated, removing all toxic nutrients from food (unless eaten locally and raw).
* Nutrients allowed will be limited to a Positive List developed by Codex which will include such beneficial nutrients like Fluoride (3.8 mg daily) developed from environmental waste. All other nutrients will be prohibited nationally and internationally to all Codex-compliant countries [2].
* All nutrients (e.g., CoQ10, Vitamins A, B, C, D, Zinc and Magnesium) that have any positive health impact on the body will be deemed illegal under Codex and are to be reduced to amounts negligible to humans' health [3].
* All advice on nutrition (including written online or journal articles or oral advice to a friend, family member or anyone) will be illegal.

* All dairy cows are to be treated with Monsanto's recombinant bovine growth hormone.
* All animals used for food are to be treated with potent antibiotics and exogenous growth hormones.
* The reintroduction of deadly and carcinogenic organic pesticides that in 1991, 176 countries (including the U.S.) have banned worldwide including 7 of the 12 worst at the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pesticides (e.g., Hexachlorobenzene, Toxaphene, and Aldrin) will be allowed back into food at elevated levels [4].
* Dangerous and toxic levels (0.5 ppb) of aflotoxin in milk produced from moldy storage conditions of animal feed will be allowed. Aflotoxin is the second most potent (non-radiation) carcinogenic compound known to man.
* Mandatory use of growth hormones and antibiotics on all food herds, fish and flocks
* Worldwide implementation of unlabeled GMOs into crops, animals, fish and trees.

We’ve already seen incidences of health food stores being raided as though they were selling crystal meth instead of Vitamin C and organic vegetables.  Family farms are being driven out of business because they can’t afford to keep up with the ever-increasing regulations.  Natural healers have been criminalized throughout Europe, and that criminalization is on its way to North American shores.

Death by Codex
If it was only about the almighty dollar and the building of monopolies, one could almost comprehend the corporate greed behind Codex Alimentarius.  The plot is more sinister than even greed could create. 

Codex Alimentarius, quite simply, is an instrument of depopulation and control. 
Many prominent eugenicists, such as Bill Gates and David Rockefeller have openly promoted depopulation as a positive goal for the future.  Sickly people die off at a faster rate, dropping health care costs.  Dwindling populations consume fewer resources and leaving more for the Elite.

Morally, this soft kill approach is more palatable than outright attacks, like the release of viruses.  There is the risk that biological attacks could also affect the Elite. Military attacks, like nuclear war, could have a devastating effect on the environment, which would also negatively affect the elite. Subtly starving the masses, without them even realizing it, is the simplest method, and also the least likely to harm the NWO puppet masters that are in control of the United Nations.
As the attack on the world’s people becomes more obvious, the decision makers also risk being the victims of violent revolution.  Codex also helps to cover that aspect.  If people are malnourished, they are unable to resist tyranny with the same enthusiasm as a healthy population.  They are also far more susceptible to disease, should biological warfare be one day in the best interests of the Elite.
It’s win-win, if you happen to be a member of the Elite.  The outcome doesn’t look so great for the rest of us.
Henry Kissinger, the eugenicist poster child for the NWO, said it best.

If you control food, you control the population.


  1. "Codex Alimentarius (Greek for “food code”)". Codex Alimentarius isn't Greek. Is Latin. "Codex Alimentarius (Latin for "Book of Food") - from Wikipedia". Beside this, is an excellent article that must be read by everyone.

    1. Oops - my bad!!! Thanks Anonymous - all fixed up!!!


  2. Kevin says- Hey daisy, THANKS for mentioning henry kisstheboysinger, I just vomited on my computer. :(

    These toxins also build up and move up the food chain and then add up.(10 mice eat gmo garbage, then an eagle eats the 10 mice type of thing)

    I believe thats worth thinking about.

    P.S. Looks like you need a restraining order for your uncle over at the playhouse. What an icehole!!!

  3. Outstanding explanation of Codex. One point, however. The implementation of Codex in the U.S. was started under Bush's Security and Prosperity Partnership "agreement" with Mexico and Canada. The 30 committees set up under this had time between the 2005 date of the SPP to put their plans together. Obama has been implementing them at a record pace. Provisions for Codex and the further take over of our food supply by Monsanto are contained in ACTA which Obama has vowed to find a way to implement by executive fiat. ACTA has been hatched under the Trans Atlantic Partnership Bush signed his way out of office. Neither the SPP or ACTA have been ratified by Congress. I don't think the Trans Atlantic Partnership has been either.

  4. Are there efforts by Monsanto to take over world food production?


    Would they be able to handle that huge job if it were just handed to them (and even also to Bayer Inc)

    - NO, NOT AT ALL, not in their dreams. The world is too big, even JUST the first world is beyond them. It would take 20 years at least of full tilt efforts in building other companies out and reorganizing and building factories. If it was handed to them on a plate then still could not manage the job.

    Have there been efforts to subvert the UN (or NATO) in order to use them for things beyond their original scope?

    - Oh hell yes!

    Have they ever been successful?

    - The two NATO wars were a mess and left the aggressive countries involved with massive debts, and the countries that were attacked are still a mess.

    - also in general, The United Nations is very slightly more effective than the useless "League of Nations". It rarely manages to get anything done, which is why the head of the UN Human Rights Committee wanted to give up and quite. IT is a sick joke when the worlds worst offenders (including the USA) make op the global enforcement efforts committee.

    They can't even get UNICEF's "Human Right of the Child" document, signed by the USA - the one that gives all children the right to a name, the right to grow up, etc.

    They also can't control the huge and growing market in slaves. Slavery is illegal everywhere, but ... we have more slavery today then we had in the mid 1800s. The cost of a slave at the moment is a bit less than $100 US.

    The UN has a lot less power than people believe they do.

    I am more concerned with the efforts that the USA are using to try and get ready for "Peak Oil" (all these wars are about Peak Oil and the fact they did NOTHING to prepare). The clock is ticking and they are nervous, and would rather go all fascist then just admit what needs done and spend 1/10th of what they are spending, making the necessary things happen.

    I have strong doubts that any such stupid legislation will ever hapen in this sort of form, because people would die in the millions in the streets for the civil unrest & from starvation.

    Lots of things get signed into existence by "presidential decree" which then never see the light of day again. Clinton singed in an executive order that gave him the right to declare a national emergency AT ANY MOMENT and without cause, which would then give the sitting president the powers and rights of a medieval king (and make it nearly impossible to get them out of the office as well). Every president since then has had this "power" (and worse things too) and no one of them have had the balls to try and do it.
    any serious variety

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