When I looked further, this echoes a Gallup poll of registered voters last week, where over 75% of those voters were ready to give their local representatives the axe.
Now if I was congressperson, I'd be seriously thinking about something like this. Clearly, the job they are doing to represent their areas are not representative of the opinions of their constituents.
I wonder which of the unconstitutional actions they have taken recently was the last straw? Was it.....
- giving the military permission to indefinitely detain American citizens on nothing more than "suspicion"
- the unbelievable cluster%&^ that is the US economy?
- the fact that the only thing they've done to resolve unemployment is lengthen the time one can collect benefits?
- that they renewed the unPatriot act, the most oxymoronic piece of legislation ever created?
The list could go on and on and I need more coffee, so I'll stop there.
Poetic justice would be for the unseated members of congress to have to leave, tail between their legs, and live on unemployment while seeking a job with the rest of the Americans who are out of work.
I hope that at the polls next November, this feeling continues. If you are this fed up, express it at the polls. Overthrow congress with a ballot box revolution!
It’s hard to find knowledgeable people on this topic, but you sound like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks
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