Religion and faith are the keystones of morality, ethics and social governance in most societies. It's been said that more wars are fought over religion than any other reason. That is true, and it's because one's core belief in something greater than themselves illicits a passionate response in most thinking individuals.
But what if your personal belief system was watered down until it was only a vague reflection of what it once was? What if it was gradually subtly engineered to elicit a different set of values, manipulating you and billions of others to voluntarily submit to a greater order of business?
Meet the good folks of the United Religions Initiative. Subsidized by the United Nations, the URI directs religious leaders of the world towards the goal of one homogenized religion - an "Interfaith" instead of a faith. The URI is broken down into "CCs" or Cooperative Circles, across the globe. Picture dropping a pebble in the water and seeing the rings spreading outward. Then envision many pebbles - and picture the rings around them touching and becoming one.
Today on the URI North America blog, Reverend Leland Stewart summed up the need for a new religion.
At the beginning of every new cycle of life, a new faith is needed for its implementation. We are now entering into the global civilization, a worldwide community of all races, cultures, and religions. In order to give clarity and power to this transformation, a new faith is required. This is not to say that the existing faiths are no longer needed but rather that the coming together of the world’s faiths requires a “new testament”, a new view and understanding of life based upon the new consciousness that is arising in our time. Anything less will not heal the wounds being inflicted upon the world’s peoples.
Religion, however, is a very effective governing tool, and the United Nations has been quick to jump on the bandwagon to further the principles of Agenda 21. In a 1994 lecture an American pastor named Carl McIntire warned us of the dangers inherent in the UN Commission on Religion.
The United Nations has finally established a Commission on Religion to assist it in bringing the world together. These recent developments reported in The New American, April 3rd quotes the leaders-with the United Nations who have projected what must be done to have a one world worship. According to these reports the UN needs all this for its "sustainable development." To bring the nations together what is called "Gaia Hypothesis" . . . "holds that the earth itself is a deity which we should worship, and that the UN is the instrument through which the earth goddess will dictate our form of devotion."Under the guises of "world peace" and "sustainability" we are being shepherded along to a world with a false equality. The resources of the Earth would be worshipped, protected and doled out by a small percentage of people and allocated to the rest of us. Awash in a warm neo-religious glow, chanting the names of multiple deities, compartmentalized in our "green" apartments, we'd be voluntarily controlled.
The URI is not alone in furthering the agenda of the United Nations through faith. Formed in 2002, the mission statement of the World Council of Religions is eerily in line with Agenda 21.
This council is made up of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Taoists, Buddhists and Hindus. Stated goals include greater economic equality, reforestation and protection of natural resource areas, and the creation of a just and sustainable world society.The World Council of Religious Leaders aims to serve as a model and guide for the creation of a community of world religions. In the spirit of service and humility, it seeks to inspire women and men of all faiths in the pursuit of peace, justice and mutual understanding. It will undertake initiatives to provide the spiritual resources of the world's religious traditions to assist the United Nations and its agencies in the prevention, resolution and healing of conflicts and in the eradication of their causes and in addressing social and environmental problems. By promoting the practice of the spiritual values shared by all religious traditions, and by uniting the human community for times of world prayer and meditation, the World Council seeks to aid in developing the inner qualities and external conditions needed for the creation of a more peaceful, just and sustainable world society.
From a distance these sound like very fine goals. Who can argue with world peace? What could possibly be wrong with making sure everyone has food and water? How can one deny the need to take care of the world's resources? Isn't it wonderful that all of the religions of the world can finally just get along?
The problem is this:
The Universal Religion takes Stockholm Syndrome to an entirely new level.
The Universal Religion is a tool to take over the world. This subtle indoctrination will be used to herd people into their little "green" cubicles, dole out their sustainable food and utilities, and keep them not only cooperative, but enthusiastic, participants in their own subjugation.
Imagine a world with ONLY ONE RELIGION. There would be no Christianity, no Judaism, no Hinduism, no Buddhism. These would all be diluted and melded into one earth-based pantheistic religion called Gaia or the Universal Religion. This would allow no room for differing beliefs or opinions. The media/propaganda machine would churn out reams of misguided green evangelism. Worship services would proselytize the agenda. People would be brainwashed to sincerely believe that they were doing the right thing by falling in line.
Marx was right when he said that "Religion is the opiate of the masses."
And if we aren't careful we'll be sedated right into obsolescence by the Universal Religion.